London Sport Magazine

The de5ign brief

We was approached by Echo Publishing to help come up with a new image and style for the London Sport publication with the idea of being able to pitch the title to blue chip business’s for advertising space whilst not only competing but moving ahead of it’s main competitor within their target market.

The de5ign solution

We created a new masthead, used a small selection of complimentary typefaces so as to not compete with the imagery which we decided as a collective to be the main voice on each spread or page designed. The title was well received with it’s change of image and created a lot more interest in the specialist sector and was included into clients budgets moving forward which it had previously not managed to achieve.

What de5ign clients say

“Having worked with Stewart for the past 20 years on various different projects I had no doubt to contact him to work with me on the London Sport Magazine as I've always found his service and attitude to be extremely professional.”

Jake Stevens
Publishing Director

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